Tuesday 18 December 2012

Myhead at 10

Sometimes I think I'm a waste
I'm an unappreciative fuck
That was a wasteful attempt of a child
Sometimes I think about killing myself everyday
I fantasies if I had enough guts
If I had enough guts I do it now.
Tomorrow, yesterday years earlier
And I see how I always have these thoughts
Because one day we all die
Why waste time in-between
The most effective way to live
To help the world as much as you can, don't be one person
Be no person
Don't adopt, breed, live and inspire,
Kill and die too.
Sometimes I'm happy and I look down to where I sit now and think, I'd still give this up for death
I find my future hard because I don't see a point
Make a difference, well if your not around someone else will make it
I think who started certain things,
How did it get so big, become so popular?
well maybe people saw it and copied,
Maybe two people both did it, and people just followed..
Maybe someone did it, with out ever seeing that other person's and so it still counts
As originality..
But basically I wish someone would give me
That universal purpose that everyone had
That simplicity in life
That goal
That sort of happiness
But I don't,
I was born with not a loathing
I've never done much wrong,
It is a general lack of anything
Of everything

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